We're now a level 2 BBB-EE Contributor
"A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption on our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider on our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so." - Mahatma Gandhi
It is fairly simple for companies to come up with a superior product offering or process solutions, which can be easily imitated or bought by competitors at any time. However, what really makes a difference and affects the bottom line is the human capital - people buy from people.
With South Africa's current service delivery crisis and being labelled as "the protest capital of the world - " it is frightening to think just how much customer service and relationship building impact on the overall reputation and bottom line of organisations. Everybody, in the company is responsible for customer service.
Below are 10 customer service questions that you need to ask yourself. Reflect on the answers to these questions and evaluate the level of customer service you are receiving from your current suppliers:
The Working Earth is an accredited and award winning advertising agency with wide variety of satisfied clients in various industries. We are a customer-focused and we work with you to quickly attract skilled, quality candidates to your organisation.
One of our key objectives is client satisfaction - we support our clients every step of the way. With regards to our JONTI e-recruitment tool; we have a dedicated call centre to attend to client and candidate queries. JONTI trainers train and assist clients with the JONTI tool and our client relations officers are always available to attend to all of your needs. Our advertising and response management clients are always impressed by the quick turnaround times and the after sales service provided.
Not getting after sales support? Visit our website now on www.theworkingearth.com or call us on 011475 9668.
Author:Tarryn Nel, Client Relationship and Training Officer (The Working Earth)
The Working Earth is a Talent Solution provider, with 23 years Professional Staffing Solutions experience. We are Specialists in Executive level Head Office and Shared Services roles in HR, Legal , Finance, Executive Sales and Commercial roles
7 Naivasha Road
Corner of Eglin Road (entrance in Eglin Road)
Sunninghill 2157