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When most of us enter the job market, we have certain expectations. We want to make it big, we want to do something we love, and we want something that will show what we can do! However, many jobs in the world simply aren’t what we want them to be. However, that is why it’s worth looking for a position that will be a career-defining position. Something that will let you feel all those things that you’ve always wanted to feel. Isn’t that something that you would enjoy?
There is no single definition for a “career-defining job,” and it is instead what you make of it. What would you consider to be a career-defining position? What kind of job would be beneficial for your career? One that would help to elevate you to a higher position than ever before. There are plenty of jobs out there, but determining which jobs would be great for your career is often up to you to decide. So, think about it for a while: what would you consider to be a job fit for your career trajectory?
You may think that a career-defining job would be long-term because this would allow you to foster your talents. On the other hand, it could be a more ambitious placement that gives you the room to stretch. Of course, a new position may also just bring with it a wealth of new experiences. You will never know until you have decided to give something a go.
A career and a job are two very different yet related things. A job is a position that you hold, and it will likely not be the last one you hold. However, every job can be a step forward in your career. A career, as opposed to a job, is your overall trajectory toward a specific type of work and experience against which you can define yourself.
Some then decide that to have that career-defining job, they need to find something good and long-term. There certainly are loads of benefits to a long-term position, such as training programmes to improve your abilities, heightened stability thanks to the permanent position, and better benefits, such as insurance. However, a permanent position is not necessarily one that will be career-defining, but it could be.
A good, long-term position at a stable and established company is certainly one way to go, but some want something a bit more adventurous. You might be ambitious and have a strong desire to find something on the riskier side. You may decide to find a smaller company and go for something that may not be as stable, but it certainly is more ambitious. After all, that company could blow up and become one of the hottest things out there! You’ll only know if you stick around.
With an ambitious job placement like this, you only have one way to go and that’s up. You will have the chance to show them what you’ve got while testing your mettle in the heavier game that is the start-up industry. There are plenty of positions like this in the HR, Legal, Finance, and Commercial sectors. Many companies begin operations and immediately need the best of the best to secure themselves a future.
Let’s not forget something else that is quite simple. Sometimes, you simply need to find a new job. There are many reasons for this. You may not assume that a new position will be a career-defining job, but whether you left a company thanks to stagnation in the position, a need for something new, or anything in between, a new job at a new company is an opportunity.
Every time we are faced with a new career opportunity, we have the chance to do something great. We can gain new skills, build on our experience, create new social connections, and so much more. You may not think that new job of yours is one that can push you toward a stronger position in your career, but it can.
There are so many opportunities out there to find that career-defining position. You could search for something long-term, a new and risky yet ambitious attempt, or something that is simply new. Regardless, you can build toward your career and find that career-defining position. And if you need any assistance toward attaining that dream job, you can join with The Working Earth and find the best companies that want you to have the job of a lifetime.
The Working Earth is a Talent Solution provider, with 23 years Professional Staffing Solutions experience. We are Specialists in Executive level Head Office and Shared Services roles in HR, Legal , Finance, Executive Sales and Commercial roles