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Let's talk social media statistics, out of a total population of 7.395 billion people worldwide – there are 3.419 billion internet users, 2.307 billion active social media users, 3.790 billion unique mobile users and 1.968 billion active mobile social users [We Are Social, 2016].
It's clear to see from the figures above that social media has a massive audience. As a result of this, it has become an important tool for attracting top candidates and creating brand awareness.
Jay Leno, American Comedian and TV Host, once said the following joke:
"Facebook has revealed their estimated net worth at $96 billion. That's almost as much money as businesses lose every year from their employees wasting time looking at Facebook."
While businesses may be losing money, they are also making money off of the very same thing they are losing it on. If the audience you want to reach is on social media, isn't it then, pertinent that your brand is there too?
While you might understand the merits of social media for business, you might not necessarily know how to take full advantage of said merits.
Let's take a look at some easy steps to help your brand positively increase its presence on social media:
Firstly, here are some of the ways social media can help your brand:
Now let's go through the five easy steps to corporate social media superstardom:
Create digital campaigns and job posts
Create templates for job posts and themes for campaigns. Keep branding professional and consistent. Adhere to good design practice by incorporating your company's colours, fonts and logo; don't let bad design make your brand look unprofessional. Think strategically about what you want to post and the audience you want to reach. How will your content be received?
Assign a budget
Free these sites may be, but to fully capitalise on their value, you need to spend money. As the old saying by Plautus goes, "you must spend money to make money". Designate a budget for boosting priority posts to maximise impact. Spend money, if you can, on professionally designed and marketable content.
Use the multichannel approach
Ensure that you are visible on multiple channels. What a user misses on one newsfeed, they might pick up on another. Compliment your job posts by advertising in print media and on your company website for even greater exposure.
Attract quality by posting quality
Make sure your company is as attractive as the candidates you wish to engage. Post content that is sharable and that will be of value to your target audience. Remember to account for both your clients' and candidates' interests.
Find prospective employees via direct searches
Most social media platforms allow you to search directly, which will help you to actively find potential clients and candidates. This also serves as a way to find out a little more about users in order to make informed decisions about the way you approach them or even to help screen them adequately. Use this!
I hope that these points will act as a starting point for your social media management strategy. To find out more about how The Working Earth can help you strategically improve on your digital campaigns contact us on 011 475 9668 or email us at info@theworkingearth.com .
Author: Leanne Khan, Graphic Designer
The Working Earth is a Talent Solution provider, with 23 years Professional Staffing Solutions experience. We are Specialists in Executive level Head Office and Shared Services roles in HR, Legal , Finance, Executive Sales and Commercial roles
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