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Legends say: "Do what you love and love what you do" but this is not always possible. You may love your day job but have a manager or boss that you don't get along with. This impacts your day job as things can get difficult. A bad manager really impacts your mood. Motivation disappears, you feel as if you are not valued and uninspired.
Employees always expect their managers to be fantastic, someone who helps them out, makes them feel valued, and motivates them each and every day. However, this is not an ideal world. Managers can be micro-managers, have anger issues or are not competent enough to be a manager or head of department. Some managers even go to the extent of using their employees as instruments for their own success.
The reality of this is that even though your manager demotivates you, you still have to get your work done and make the best of the situation as you spend most of your time at the office. Today we have put together a list of tips to help you identify the type of manager you have and how to deal with them.
The buddy
This is a type of manager that is always too friendly but not in a fun, happy-go-lucky way. They constantly invite you to dinner parties or to hang out after hours. A type of manager that divides the team according to their own favourites and this causes a lot of tension and frustration among the team.
Tips to neutralise the Buddy
Step one is to set firm boundaries. Do not be intimidated by the position they hold. The boundaries that you set will allow you to take control of the situation and you can remain friendly and polite during the work day and not be afraid to say no to hang out after hours. If your manager is persistent, it is best to distance yourself from all the invites and behaviours you deem inappropriate. This will help you maintain a healthy work relationship and you will still be able to succeed.
The Micromanager
This type of manager is every employee's worst nightmare. This manager is constantly watching you and checks up on your times or ask for updates and progress on your work every 5 minutes. It's the type of manager that will say you can improve, then will sit and watch your every move like a hawk. A micromanager pays a lot of attention to small details and you begin to feel frustrated and demotivated because of the constant hovering and nagging.
Tips to neutralise the Micromanager
Prove to your micromanager that you are flexible, competent and disciplined by constantly communicating with them. Working with micromanagers is always tricky as they will never stop searching for something to over analyse and micro manage. To overcome this, you can try asking more questions about the project on hand, check in more frequently and never allow your managers' obsession to create feelings of inadequacy as this will only lead to stress. Always remember that your work is done to the best of your ability and your report is still accurate, whether it includes a staple or not.
The incompetent
This is the type of manager that has no skills, experience or knowledge to be in the position. It is most likely that this manager was hired or promoted hastily and holds a position that they are not capable, experienced or qualified to have. You have to report to them and so do other people who have probably been in the company longer than they have or people who have more experience and qualifications, which this manager lacks. Dealing with this manager could be much trickier than the others explained above as this is the type of manager that will pull the higher rank card irrespective of whether you have much more knowledge and qualifications.
Tips to neutralise this situation
Having this type of manager and boss becomes really frustrating for employees as they always take credit for the work of the team and no recognition is given to the team or the individual employee. It is sometimes best to swallow your pride especially if you are more experienced and qualified and share your knowledge.
Always remember that you are unique and good at what you do. Do not let your bad manager or work situation get you down and make your work life miserable. It is best to just take it with a pinch of salt and always look at the positive in everything. So whether it is just a simple comma missing or if you have been told that you are not good enough, no matter how bad your boss' behaviour, don't allow it to affect your work. Remember, you want to stay on good terms with other leaders in the company (and keep your job!).
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