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The talent landscape has changed, not just from a skills shortage perspective but from a technological one as well. Gone are the days when resumes were faxed or emailed to agencies or prospective employers and an agonising wait ensued whilst these bodies waded through stacks of paper to find ideal talent.
Too often and due to outmoded recruitment methodologies, applicants seldom received feedback from agencies or prospective employers. This lack of feedback to job hopefuls usually damages the reputation of these brands. Technology has enabled applicants and employers to take personal control of finding jobs/talent by choosing more efficient ways to access the job market.
Job seekers are connecting directly with prospective employers and vice versa. A recent LinkedIn survey revealed that there has been a growth of 90% in the last four years where candidates find jobs from their mobile devices and a growth of 75% over the same period where candidates find and apply for jobs from their mobile devices. Another interesting trend is that over the last year social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter have overtaken job portals as the main source of finding quality candidates. Websites play a vital role in attracting talent as well, in fact they are placed as the third most important source of attracting candidates after social networks and job portals.
Databases and job portals are flooded with active candidates i.e. candidates who are openly seeking opportunities. Prospective employers often recruit from this pool of candidates. Interestingly there is potentially a "whopping 79% of potential candidates who are not actively engaged in the job hunt". These candidates are referred to as passive candidates. According to Jobvite at least 61% of those passive candidates are open to, even hopeful for, a change of employer. "Ignoring those passive candidates doesn't just diminish your talent pool, it also rules out higher calibre hires". According to research by LinkedIn, although more difficult to recruit, "passive candidates often make for better quality employees". A great way of attracting these passive candidates is by driving brand advertising via social networks, websites and applicable advertising mediums.
Understanding how technology affects the talent landscape and what trends drive talent attraction is great, but that still leaves prospective employers and potential job seekers with the dilemma of connecting all the dots.
The Working Earth is a technology enabled, alternative recruitment provider. We deliver efficient and cost effective e-recruitment solutions that automate s and digitise s the entire recruitment landscape - from attraction of talent to appointment. For more information about our recruitment solutions, contact us on 011 475 9668, or request a demo, pricing or email us on admin@theworkingearth.com
Author: Suraj Maharaj, Managing Director (The Working Earth)
The Working Earth is a Talent Solution provider, with 23 years Professional Staffing Solutions experience. We are Specialists in Executive level Head Office and Shared Services roles in HR, Legal , Finance, Executive Sales and Commercial roles
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