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"I have not failed; I have just found ten thousand ways that don't work" Thomas Edison. So, the cycle of success begins…
Derek and Thomas are both in the sales industry. Derek shoots the lights out month after month- reeling in the commission, but Thomas just gets by, some months making targets, other times not. Who's the winner in this story? They both are! They both try, they both never give up because as Winston Churchill once said "success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts."
Most of the geniuses in the world failed in their first attempt to achieve a goal. In fact, history most fondly remembers those who had to overcome challenges and obstacles before achieving their successes. Henry Ford's first 5 businesses failed before he opened the popular Ford motors, Walt Disney was fired and the editor said he lacked imagination just before he found his recipe for success, Einstein could not speak until he was four and could not read until he was seven but he went on to win the Nobel prize.
Don't let failure get you down, use it as a stepping stone to success, here's how:-
Fear prevents us from achieving the desired objective because we do not want to take risks. We allow our minds to be filled with a lot of 'what ifs'.
Always remember that "failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success." - C. S. Lewis. Don't allow one fail to keep you from succeeding, press on and use it as a stepping stone to your greatest achievement. Push those boundaries until you exceed your targets.
The Working Earth offers consulting services which include testing and training programs to help you overcome your failures and assist you with achieving your goals in your business.
By Evelyn Motswiri, Helpdesk Supervisor – The Working Earth.
The Working Earth is a Talent Solution provider, with 23 years Professional Staffing Solutions experience. We are Specialists in Executive level Head Office and Shared Services roles in HR, Legal , Finance, Executive Sales and Commercial roles
7 Naivasha Road
Corner of Eglin Road (entrance in Eglin Road)
Sunninghill 2157